Category Archives: Ramblings, Rants, & WTF

Miss Me???…

Put me in the ground already…

Six feet down…

Or spread me over the vast ocean…

Miss me…

When I’m not around???…

Or rejoice in the sound…

Of knowing I’m not around…

Finally resting…

Six feet down…

On hollowed ground…Coffin-in-hole2-199x300


My Favorite!!!…

Well yesterday was nice in the morning and for the most part of the day…then it got pretty hot so the ac went on…it was about 87 outside n humid…

The two days before were well up in the high 90’s probably about 100 truth be told…

So went to bed last nighters with the ac on …it was a lil kool so when I woke up I put my scarf/blanket around me and as I remembered from last nighters checking the weather they said it was supposed to be kooler and more fall like… so I opened the front door and said it’s colder outside than it is inside…so I asked dad to turn the ac off but he is no good at electronic things at all (bless his heart)you should see him with the remote control lmao…Gotta love my dad!!!… so I ended up trying to show him how to turn if off and on…Either way I hope the ac is off for good!!!…

Texas weather just caught up!!!… : )

The temperature this morning was a low 45 yes you read that right lol…and I seen it with my own eyes as I checked the temperature gauge on the back porch as well online…I was so happy I wanted to do a happy dance : )   but my body said oh nooo… So from the look on the weather forecast so far so good on the saying I believe that fall is here to stay!!!…It’s only 60 outside as I am writing this and the low will be around 45 tomorrow morning …wooohooo!!!…lets hope it stays this way…

This brings me to some of the reasons why I love fall so much!!!…Here is a random list of the reason why!!!…

Love the change of colors of the different trees around here…

Having a crock pot full of homemade hot apple cider…

Having a crock pot full of hot coco…I have a machine that is just for hot coco…you just add hot coco mix and milk… even powered milk works great and cheaper and no one can tell the difference hehe…so you add the above into this plastic container and put the cover on and turn on…it stirs it all together and even heats it to a almost boil and shuts off when done…again I love this thing…I also have a good receipt for homemade hot coco and homemade apple cider…I may make another post for those…

The fire pit going and just relaxing with loved ones…it’s a nice big fire pit that has a handle that doesn’t get hot and you can even bbq on it!!!…

Bring in the wood from outside to put into the fireplace …I love to sit next to the fireplace with my throw blankets or the scarf/blanket and sit and read…sometimes this is a hard task due to our indoor dogs as they want to play… : ) so at times I am on the couch lol…also I am the fire chief!!!…I’m in charge of the fire and the wood and keeping it going all through the night and day…I love my job title ahahha…

Speaking of cozy…love my flannel pj’s …Oh so comfy!!!…

Fresh apples…pumpkin carving…baking homemade pecan pies and pumpkin pies…

The crispness in the air…

Handing out candy to the trick or treats …I would bet money on the fact that we won’t get anyone this year…I hope that I am wrong…but the upside would be that we could and will eat the left over candy…we have already gone through 2 small bags heheh…we blame dad eating it all lolol…

Scary movies…I just love!!!…now I don’t go out to the movies so what ever they play on TV is the option I have…Don’t ask me how long it’s been since I’ve been to the movies!!!(I would have to kill you)…I have to watch them alone since my dad is really to scared to watch them lol…That is the truth!!!…He hates them with a passion but then he gets scared if you walk up behind him…he will always jump 6 feet straight up in the air!!!…Have to admit it is fun to scare my dad…he makes it so damn easy!!!…

Would love to know what you enjoy about this time of year???…Do you have a special memory to share???… What is your favorite scary movie???…


You think she’s better???…

You think you’re bad…

You think you’re slick…

You think that I fucking give a shit???…

You think she’s better…

You think she’s good…

You think …she’ll do all she said she would???…

You think… she’ll take care of you in a time of need???…

She’ll only be on her knees…

You think she’ll love you???…

You think… she’ll stick it out???…

While she’s only putting out…to all those who call you friend…

Behind backs they sin…

But you are no better than them…imagesfinger

Daily Prompt: Circle!!!…

I see you vultures… circle around up above the sky…

Wondering what were up to and why???…

Tryin to be all up in our business and lives…

Your 2 pawns you have driven by…

Looked so hard with sprung necks …

Rolled into the fuckin ditch…

Report that back to that rose-colored glass wearing bitch!!!…birdscircle


Picture google…

Texas Weather…Will it catch on???…

I don’ think Texas or where I live in Texas knows that the first day of fall has passed us by…

It should be kooler… but oh no… it’s over 98+ out in the shade… it’s hot n humid…

I don’t believe any leafs has changed any form of color… at least not what I have seen…

The a/c unit is still running its big azz off…

I haven’t seen anyone selling firewood for our fireplace… no drive by from our normal guy we sometimes get the wood from…

No big fire pit going on at night or daytime… you know sitting around the fire with a drink n hand and talking with family…

I am still in shorts and a t-shirt…

Haven’t even changed my closet out yet for my fall and winter clothes…

For the next week still looks like Texas hasn’t gotten the memo that we are in fall..

I live for fall and winter… I still really can’t go out and be in the sun no matter how much sunscreen I use… but see fall and winter your supposed to wear warmer clothes…such would cover me up…

Done bitchen…

