Category Archives: illnesses

Other Side…

Hollow echos where my soul once felt…

Echos of a cold and slowing beat where my hear once was…

I think that I’m done…

I’m tired to the bone…

Nowhere to hide…

With this feeling inside…

Who will be by my side???…

When it comes to that time???…

Hope to see your face…

When your time comes…

On the other side …alonewater


I’m Here…I’m Here…

I’m here…

I’m here…

I’m here…

Just a lil bit tired…

Lil bit wired…

Sitting in the house alone…

With just my thoughts…

Wish I could just turn them off…

Maybe I just need a nice touch of soft water from the bath…

Just maybe???…

Musik always helps…

Shall I turn it up???…

I’m here…

I’m here…

I’m here…

Alone with just my thoughts…

Maybe I should just turn them off…



November 1st…

Well we made it into another month!!!…

I look forward to dads birthday on the 8th…

Of course Thanksgiving…I love!!!…

Even kooler temps!!!…bring them on!!!…lol….

I hope today is a good day for all and that this month is kind to all…

Do you think that we can slow this down a lil…since it seems like yesterday it was October 1st… as October 1st came with a Lupus and Fibro flare and it’s still with me even harder pain filled ruff, ruff morning…


Have a wonderful day!!!…

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A ???…for all of you!!!…

I have a question for everyone of you…

Here at dads home we use Directv for our TV stations…

We do not have cable as far as I know out here…

With the provider we use it is getting really expensive …

We really only end up watching a few channels …we don’t have the high package …we have a sports package for dad but that is only like 7.00 a month…

So what I need from you all is…what television service do you use???…and why???…and how much???…if you don’t mind…

Even ones for computer like Amazon things like that…

I am trying to gather all the information from other like you all “my friends” so maybe we can save some money…

Also tell me what you don’t like about such n such…

Anything free on a computer???…without a virus ???…lol

So this is for computer and or TV…

I would really appreciate your time and knowledge…>>>Help this gurl out plz… : )

So let’s hear it!!!…

October 7th…Moon vs Sun…

20171007_071707.jpgEarly morning …moon still out…


20171007_071655.jpgMoon still out and here comes the sun…


Aww pretty clouds rolling in as the sun starts the day…20171007_071516.jpgGotta love early country mornings…

I wanted to post this on the same day but …well you know how life gets…so enjoy the moon and the sun…

Daily Prompt: Circle!!!…

I see you vultures… circle around up above the sky…

Wondering what were up to and why???…

Tryin to be all up in our business and lives…

Your 2 pawns you have driven by…

Looked so hard with sprung necks …

Rolled into the fuckin ditch…

Report that back to that rose-colored glass wearing bitch!!!…birdscircle


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