Category Archives: doctors

Things that go bump in the night!!!…

So as most of you know I am not a good sleeper and a light sleeper at that…

So I finally started to fall asleep around 12 ish…

I wake to someone yelling…I sat up in bed and from where my room is to where dad sleeps (the couch) all I could see were legs kicking and yelling so I jumped up outta bed and the couch has a full length table behind it …that is where I was standing while trying to get dad to wake up…I kept yelling dad …dad you are having a nightmare and more trying to wake him without any luck…as I start to run over to the front of the couch where I could reach him but not close since he has been jumpy all his life and you can be in the same room with him and walk up behind him and it scares the shitt outta him every time…so I already knew to watch my distance… but before I could even move he moves to his right and falls head first into the hard floor…even after the hard hit to the forehead and I got to him it took him a few seconds to wake up… so he did wake up finally and I made him stay sitting up on the floor for a bit before getting him up off the floor onto the couch again… I asked him how he felt and as I am doing this looking over his head since I seen it hit the hard floor first dead weight…I said omg dad while looking at his head is a small egg-shaped forming … I bring him into the kitchen where its brighter and again looked him over…by this time with me screaming when I seen him fall over off the couch my better half wakes up and helps … I started the coffffeeeee and got the ice pack for his head and kept talking to him…he was coherent and alert all that good stuff but I wasn’t going to let him go back to sleep not with a head injury and he wanted some coffeeee and before anyone states anything I know that you are not supposed to give anything by mouth and all that but again so far so good lol…so I did give him a half a cup of coffeeee to start and I made him stay up and talk for a few hours…he said he was tired and this being 3 hours since his fall so I told him to lay in his chair and that I would be waking him every 30 minutes or so to check him but he wanted me to go back to bed…no…NOPE I was to worried about him I told him I would stay up!!!… he started to get a headache so I gave him one of his pain pills…now he wants to rest in his chair so I help him to it and he has his blankets and ice pack while we are still talking I was just sitting at the kitchen table…and I checked on him every 30 minutes… I believe that this egg has grown lol…it looks like he has two eggs on the side of his forehead close to the temple area…I mean this fucker is pretty big…since he just got up about an hour ago he is doing fine but keeping my eyes on him…so this is how the new month has started off for us…this should be fun!!!…

I also started a major Lupus and Fibro flare the 1st of October and it seems to me that it is not going to back down…I have been up since 2am in pain worried about dad and hurt like a mother fucker Oh and…and…we only had a small group of 3 Bratts I mean kids show up here…I mean we were the only ones with our lights on…wtf!!!…I guess the tradition is leaving…???…

Did you all have a lot of kids show up???…Did you take your kids door to door???…

I would have taken a picture of dads swollen egged head but he is embarrassed about this …maybe later heheeh…

May is Lupus Awareness Month

imageslupusI believe this is great information… but I feel like it’s cold and just touching the surface… Wanted to share anyways… I did not write this I just wanted to share as this Lupus kicks my unhappy azz everyday…..I still look forward to each day in hope that tomorrow will be better…As always I hang in there the best I know how…Also I have the organ threatening lupus ..Anyways I hope this can shed some light to a caregiver or a loved one or just anyone…

Lupus Awareness Month Facts

Lupus Awareness Month is observed during May to increase public understanding of this cruel and mysterious disease that ravages different part of the body. Spread the word and share these facts on your Facebook and Twitter.

Visite esta página, si desea ver datos en español

May 1. Lupus is an unpredictable, chronic autoimmune disease that ravages different parts of the body.

May 2. In lupus, something goes wrong with the immune system, the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria, and germs. The result is the production of autoantibodies that cause inflammation.

May 3. Ninety percent of the people who develop lupus are women, though men can also develop lupus and their disease can affect some organs more severely.

May 4. Most often, lupus develops between ages 15 and 44.  However, between 10 and 20 percent of cases develop during childhood and these cases can evolve into serious health complications more rapidly.

May 5. African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans are diagnosed with lupus two or three times more frequently than Caucasians; however, lupus affects people of all races and ethnicities.

May 6. Lupus is not contagious and cannot be “given” to another person.

May 7. To make a lupus diagnosis, doctors evaluate a patient’s current symptoms, lab test results, personal medical history and family medical history.

May 8. Lupus can affect any organ system of the body, including the heart, kidneys, lungs, blood, joints and skin.

May 9. The malar, or “butterfly” rash on the face is present in an estimated one-third of people with lupus. This flat, reddish rash across the bridge of the nose and cheeks often is the only outward symptom of lupus (though other signs and symptoms might be present).

May 10. Though all pregnancies of women with lupus are considered “high risk”, advancing technology and a better understanding of the disease have improved pregnancy outcomes. Today, 80 percent of women with lupus symptoms that are not active can have successful pregnancies.

May 11. Lupus is not a form of arthritis, but many people with lupus do suffer from joint and/or muscle pain

May 12. Among people with lupus that affects the skin, poor mental health is common and has been found to be similar or worse than mental health among those with type 2 diabetes, recent heart attack, heart failure and high blood pressure.

May 13. People with lupus have two times the risk of developing cardiovascular disease than do people without lupus.

May 14. Nearly 3 in 4 people with lupus surveyed (76 percent) said fatigue limits their ability to participate in social activities.

May 15. An estimated 1.5 million Americans and 5 million people worldwide are living with lupus.

May 16. Factors that may trigger a lupus flare include infections, ultraviolet light, stress, some medications, environment with some still unknown.

May 17. Many symptoms of lupus imitate those of other illnesses, and can come and go over time, making diagnosis difficult.
Week 4

May 18. Based on a recent study, it takes an average of six years for people with lupus to be diagnosed from the time they first notice their lupus symptoms.

May 19. A majority of people with lupus surveyed (63 percent) report being incorrectly diagnosed. Of those reporting an incorrect diagnosis, more than half of them (55 percent) report seeing four or more different health care providers for their lupus symptoms before being accurately diagnosed.

May 20. First degree relatives of people with lupus (parent, sibling or child) have six times the risk of developing the disease.

May 21. Sensitivity to ultraviolet light (present in both sunlight and artificial light) affects as many as two thirds of individuals with lupus, and may cause fever, debilitating fatigue, joint pain, rashes and other symptoms.

May 22. Of the 23 percent of people with lupus who experience severe lupus flares, all or most of the time over the last three months, 40 percent were admitted to the hospital at least once during the past 12 months, with an average stay of 10.5 days.

May 23. 40 percent of adults with lupus and as many as 66% of all children with lupus will develop kidney complications.

May 24. Almost three-quarters (74 percent) of caregivers report that caring for someone with lupus has an impact on their work productivity.

May 25. More than half (55 percent) of people with lupus surveyed whose work is affected are working part-time, intermittently or are unemployed because of lupus.

May 26. People with lupus usually are encouraged to engage in appropriate daily exercise to maintain muscle and bone strength, but they also need to balance exercise with rest.

May 27. On average, the annual cost of lupus, including expenses related to treatment and loss of productivity, exceed $20,000, and can increase to $63,000 if the kidneys are involved.

May 28. People with lupus take on average nearly eight prescription medications to manage all of their medical conditions including lupus.

May 29.  About half of all people with lupus will experience a serious infection during the course of their disease.

May 30. As many as 60 percent of people with lupus will experience some type of memory problem, such as recalling names, dates and appointments or balancing a checkbook.

May 31. With current methods of therapy, 80 to 90 percent of people with non-organ threatening lupus can look forward to having the same lifespan as people without lupus.  (I also have this one…)

Again I did not write this…

Well this was fun…..NOT!!!!!!!

We all are just getting home from what should have been a long day from Dallas and Dr appointments ………..

But instead life just likes to throw us curve balls…..well you know what they can do with them balls……..

So we are home and so tired and hot….I did have to spend sometime in the sun and anyone with lupus knows that is not a good thing I hope that I do not flare due to being out in it we will see….oh and I have not ate all day and starving!!!!!! so left overs are in the oven (thank God)….So I’m past the point of being pissed the fuck off and almost ready just to hit the damn bed…..

Good news……. I’m happy it happened close to home and that we all are safe …

So tomorrow off to the Dr office again…yes let us try this again….oh what fun….

I will try to write a blog post about this shit when I get home (if it’s not to late) as soon as I can….


Happy to be back…Illnesses suck hog ballz…..

Hey Everyone!!.. 🙂

I wanted to put a blog post up to let you all know that I’m soooo thankful for each and everyone  “my followers” 🙂 for still being here since my health problems went fucking crazy!!!!!..

I tried to read post and comment on ones that caught my eye while I was out of bed but since I was not out of bed very long let me just say I am sure that I missed so much… I wanted to show everyone  that I was still here and nothing was wrong when in fact that I could hardly stay at the computer long enough to pay bills…I was a mess… I’VE been dealing with my fibro/lupus flares,anxiety and severe pain along with the darkness of depression….yeah I was no good or use to anyone…I failed on those test my illnesses were stronger (this time) 😉


So with that said I noticed one day while looking around here that I had missed so many comments and it bothers me!… so as you can probably tell that I’m doing a bit better so I want to take the time and get back to these old comments that you all took the time out of your day to write to me I want to get back to you all  I feel in order to grow and continue that I have to do this first and again it is only fair and I want to read them as well…so every comment will have a reply…. I have seen blog post where people would ask questions in the comment section or even the blogger would ask questions to followers and to my surprise the blogger would never answer the comments that ones ask…I guess some are just like that? But that my friend is not me at all….the whole idea of getting feedback good or bad or a comment and interactions that is what i want and hope to get…

So off to my comment section now then eat a nice homemade dinner that all 3 of us helped with and go from there….

I do have yet another doctors appointment in Dallas tomorrow  maybe two of them if they can work me in…. One is pain management the other one is my Lupus and arthritis Dr ………..LET US HOPE FOR GOOD NEWS…I KNOW I SURE COULD USE SOME THESE DAYS….IT HAS BEEN ROUGH!!!…..But I shall fill you all in on the good and the bad…even if you do not want to hear it haha….

So any advice on ways that have help you work thru fibro/lupus flares and chronic pain? and lets not forget the damn anxiety it was so bad that I could not focus on one single task and seemed as if I was living on my Xanax with no luck at all… I mean it is to the point that I’m not living my life at all just going thru the emotions….what do you do in these times? oh I can not leave out depression that fucker…..

hope to hear back from everyone and again I will return soon as I get back into my routine by that i mean rest from doctors office and the damn drive……