Other Side…

Hollow echos where my soul once felt…

Echos of a cold and slowing beat where my hear once was…

I think that I’m done…

I’m tired to the bone…

Nowhere to hide…

With this feeling inside…

Who will be by my side???…

When it comes to that time???…

Hope to see your face…

When your time comes…

On the other side …alonewater


I’m Here…I’m Here…

I’m here…

I’m here…

I’m here…

Just a lil bit tired…

Lil bit wired…

Sitting in the house alone…

With just my thoughts…

Wish I could just turn them off…

Maybe I just need a nice touch of soft water from the bath…

Just maybe???…

Musik always helps…

Shall I turn it up???…

I’m here…

I’m here…

I’m here…

Alone with just my thoughts…

Maybe I should just turn them off…



The Versatile Blogger Award…

Hello Beautiful friends…                                                                                              versatile-blogger-award2

The Versatile Blogger Award was created to feature and recognize blogs that have unique content, high quality of writing, and fantastic photos. As the web page about the Versatile Blogger Award says: Honour those bloggers who bring something special to your life whether every day or only now and then.

Thank you to https://discoveringyourhappiness.com/ for this fun and amazing award…

I would love for everyone to check out her amazing blog full of great insight and information and fun… I appreciate her and love her so much…she is a bright shining star…

The Rules of the Versatile Blogger Award:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award, and include a link to their blog.

2. Nominate blogs that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.

3. Share 7 things about yourself that people might not know.


7 Facts About Me:

  1. I am left handed…
  2. Purple belt in TKD…
  3. Love having a garden and working with dad in it…
  4. Love to cook…
  5. Was on a all boys baseball team…
  6. Draw, make blankets, read, dance “musik is my life” and adult coloring books rocks!!!…
  7. Born a preemie at 7 months old at 2 pounds and came into this world azz first…                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             My Nominations:                                                                                                                          EVERYONE!!!… Have fun and lets learn more about each other!!!…                                       https://yarnandpencil.wordpress.com/                                                                                    https://teleportingweena.wordpress.com/                                                                               https://sheldonkleemanartworks.com/

Things that go bump in the night!!!…

So as most of you know I am not a good sleeper and a light sleeper at that…

So I finally started to fall asleep around 12 ish…

I wake to someone yelling…I sat up in bed and from where my room is to where dad sleeps (the couch) all I could see were legs kicking and yelling so I jumped up outta bed and the couch has a full length table behind it …that is where I was standing while trying to get dad to wake up…I kept yelling dad …dad you are having a nightmare and more trying to wake him without any luck…as I start to run over to the front of the couch where I could reach him but not close since he has been jumpy all his life and you can be in the same room with him and walk up behind him and it scares the shitt outta him every time…so I already knew to watch my distance… but before I could even move he moves to his right and falls head first into the hard floor…even after the hard hit to the forehead and I got to him it took him a few seconds to wake up… so he did wake up finally and I made him stay sitting up on the floor for a bit before getting him up off the floor onto the couch again… I asked him how he felt and as I am doing this looking over his head since I seen it hit the hard floor first dead weight…I said omg dad while looking at his head is a small egg-shaped forming … I bring him into the kitchen where its brighter and again looked him over…by this time with me screaming when I seen him fall over off the couch my better half wakes up and helps … I started the coffffeeeee and got the ice pack for his head and kept talking to him…he was coherent and alert all that good stuff but I wasn’t going to let him go back to sleep not with a head injury and he wanted some coffeeee and before anyone states anything I know that you are not supposed to give anything by mouth and all that but again so far so good lol…so I did give him a half a cup of coffeeee to start and I made him stay up and talk for a few hours…he said he was tired and this being 3 hours since his fall so I told him to lay in his chair and that I would be waking him every 30 minutes or so to check him but he wanted me to go back to bed…no…NOPE I was to worried about him I told him I would stay up!!!… he started to get a headache so I gave him one of his pain pills…now he wants to rest in his chair so I help him to it and he has his blankets and ice pack while we are still talking I was just sitting at the kitchen table…and I checked on him every 30 minutes… I believe that this egg has grown lol…it looks like he has two eggs on the side of his forehead close to the temple area…I mean this fucker is pretty big…since he just got up about an hour ago he is doing fine but keeping my eyes on him…so this is how the new month has started off for us…this should be fun!!!…

I also started a major Lupus and Fibro flare the 1st of October and it seems to me that it is not going to back down…I have been up since 2am in pain worried about dad and hurt like a mother fucker Oh and…and…we only had a small group of 3 Bratts I mean kids show up here…I mean we were the only ones with our lights on…wtf!!!…I guess the tradition is leaving…???…

Did you all have a lot of kids show up???…Did you take your kids door to door???…

I would have taken a picture of dads swollen egged head but he is embarrassed about this …maybe later heheeh…

November 1st…

Well we made it into another month!!!…

I look forward to dads birthday on the 8th…

Of course Thanksgiving…I love!!!…

Even kooler temps!!!…bring them on!!!…lol….

I hope today is a good day for all and that this month is kind to all…

Do you think that we can slow this down a lil…since it seems like yesterday it was October 1st… as October 1st came with a Lupus and Fibro flare and it’s still with me even harder pain filled ruff, ruff morning…


Have a wonderful day!!!…

Picture Google…


A ???…for all of you!!!…

I have a question for everyone of you…

Here at dads home we use Directv for our TV stations…

We do not have cable as far as I know out here…

With the provider we use it is getting really expensive …

We really only end up watching a few channels …we don’t have the high package …we have a sports package for dad but that is only like 7.00 a month…

So what I need from you all is…what television service do you use???…and why???…and how much???…if you don’t mind…

Even ones for computer like Amazon things like that…

I am trying to gather all the information from other like you all “my friends” so maybe we can save some money…

Also tell me what you don’t like about such n such…

Anything free on a computer???…without a virus ???…lol

So this is for computer and or TV…

I would really appreciate your time and knowledge…>>>Help this gurl out plz… : )

So let’s hear it!!!…

My Favorite!!!…

Well yesterday was nice in the morning and for the most part of the day…then it got pretty hot so the ac went on…it was about 87 outside n humid…

The two days before were well up in the high 90’s probably about 100 truth be told…

So went to bed last nighters with the ac on …it was a lil kool so when I woke up I put my scarf/blanket around me and as I remembered from last nighters checking the weather they said it was supposed to be kooler and more fall like… so I opened the front door and said it’s colder outside than it is inside…so I asked dad to turn the ac off but he is no good at electronic things at all (bless his heart)you should see him with the remote control lmao…Gotta love my dad!!!… so I ended up trying to show him how to turn if off and on…Either way I hope the ac is off for good!!!…

Texas weather just caught up!!!… : )

The temperature this morning was a low 45 yes you read that right lol…and I seen it with my own eyes as I checked the temperature gauge on the back porch as well online…I was so happy I wanted to do a happy dance : )   but my body said oh nooo… So from the look on the weather forecast so far so good on the saying I believe that fall is here to stay!!!…It’s only 60 outside as I am writing this and the low will be around 45 tomorrow morning …wooohooo!!!…lets hope it stays this way…

This brings me to some of the reasons why I love fall so much!!!…Here is a random list of the reason why!!!…

Love the change of colors of the different trees around here…

Having a crock pot full of homemade hot apple cider…

Having a crock pot full of hot coco…I have a machine that is just for hot coco…you just add hot coco mix and milk… even powered milk works great and cheaper and no one can tell the difference hehe…so you add the above into this plastic container and put the cover on and turn on…it stirs it all together and even heats it to a almost boil and shuts off when done…again I love this thing…I also have a good receipt for homemade hot coco and homemade apple cider…I may make another post for those…

The fire pit going and just relaxing with loved ones…it’s a nice big fire pit that has a handle that doesn’t get hot and you can even bbq on it!!!…

Bring in the wood from outside to put into the fireplace …I love to sit next to the fireplace with my throw blankets or the scarf/blanket and sit and read…sometimes this is a hard task due to our indoor dogs as they want to play… : ) so at times I am on the couch lol…also I am the fire chief!!!…I’m in charge of the fire and the wood and keeping it going all through the night and day…I love my job title ahahha…

Speaking of cozy…love my flannel pj’s …Oh so comfy!!!…

Fresh apples…pumpkin carving…baking homemade pecan pies and pumpkin pies…

The crispness in the air…

Handing out candy to the trick or treats …I would bet money on the fact that we won’t get anyone this year…I hope that I am wrong…but the upside would be that we could and will eat the left over candy…we have already gone through 2 small bags heheh…we blame dad eating it all lolol…

Scary movies…I just love!!!…now I don’t go out to the movies so what ever they play on TV is the option I have…Don’t ask me how long it’s been since I’ve been to the movies!!!(I would have to kill you)…I have to watch them alone since my dad is really to scared to watch them lol…That is the truth!!!…He hates them with a passion but then he gets scared if you walk up behind him…he will always jump 6 feet straight up in the air!!!…Have to admit it is fun to scare my dad…he makes it so damn easy!!!…

Would love to know what you enjoy about this time of year???…Do you have a special memory to share???… What is your favorite scary movie???…


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