
Since here in HOTT AZZ Texas everyone may have been seeing that we have been getting so much rain..Getting hit very hard with this rain and more rain and did I mention RAIN!!!??? and some areas are or have been flooding some people have lost everything my heart goes out to those people it really does…It would break my heart to have ruin pictures things like that…

The last two years it has been this way rain, rain and more rain and flooding at this time of year so I thought since I have rain on my brain I would play some of my tunes that has …Yup you guessed it rain in them…

The first one is my man Tiesto it’s an older song but I seem to like it better than the newer musik he has been putting out…… ANYWAYS IT’S GOOD MUSIK AND YOU NEED A BREAK ANYWAYS..SO JUST DO DUE IT!!!LOL

Side note..It has not rained as of yet today so that is the good side of things..I wanted to add more videos but nope can’t do that so these are the two for now…Hope you enjoy : )

If it rains and we were together I will always share my umbrella (Well if I could find it)lol but I love the rain so I would probably just give you the umbrella ….Have a wonderful day and let it rain down on you…


Here is Eurythmics so much talent as a group or on her own…

74 thoughts on “Texas…Rain…”

    1. yeah that is my man…hmmm…lol Tiesto been around for a long azz time…he is so good he has his own shows and well the works…
      YES I had to add them..I so wanted to add more but it would not let me..I wanted some more throwbacks…

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      1. awwww I get ya gurl..yeah lets blame it on Thursday and well it’s almost over lol..but so hot n humid….but still no rain for today I can hope…..I have lots of hope gurl lol…

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      2. Gurl I am so sorry I didn’t get back with you..I wasn’t up to eating when dinner was ready so I ate late and already had a lil headache going and by the time I ate I had to lay down before I got sick..but thank god I didn’t just headache and woke up all last night with the same thing and as of now it feels better…it didn’t go away till about a few hours ago…I was gonna try to get on here and tell you but it took all I could to get in bed …
        yes so no rain..just very hot and very humid…sitting in the house and its warm inside…this poor lil ac window unit might not work for us this summer if it’s gonna stay this way..but have no choice at this time..so anyways happy to have it either way…lol….How has your day been going gurl??

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I am glad you are feeling better. You aren’t allergic to rain are you! :0 I actually knew of a guy in Michigan that had himself declared allergic to work! He got himself on disability and that is what he does. No judgement, it’s his life path.

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      4. Not that I know of gurl..more just allergies I believe and hope..wow, well in these days I can understand that you know..just like ones that have anxiety attacks about working and going to work…almost the same…

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    1. it has made a mess of things..first the tornado months ago now all the rain…you can’t keep up with the grass…well you can have some my friend…let it go somewhere else lol…is it hot too?? humid as …..

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      1. We will have our typical Maryland summer before long. Hot and humid just about every day. Maybe not like Texas hot, but hot nonetheless.

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      2. They say it makes a difference hot and humid but to me its to damn hot and humid any day in to many places lolol..
        Oh I am sure you get just as hot and humid there…I just can’t take it any more…Texas just goes from cool and sometimes snow to hot…nothing really in the middle lol..well you may get a day or two ok a week maybe of nice temps lol

        Liked by 1 person

    1. yes it sure does make it feel clean and relaxed…and I love annie too..all her songs when she went solo are great ones as well…
      yes I don’t even want to think about it so sad..Things you can’t replace like pictures or things of that nature …yes most of them are getting help they need from what I have seen so that is good news…
      how have you been??

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      1. I’m getting by, thanks for asking Sue 🙂
        Just extra exhaustion because of the repeated lung infections.
        I’m glad they’re getting help. Britain gets lots of floods now, but it doesn’t help that we have this fashion for paving over gardens and so the rain doesn’t sink into the ground. I’m fortunate not to have floods where I live but we get periods of drought and then extreme rainfall…it’s madness!
        How are you? Been doing any crafts? 😉

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      2. Oh I am sorry to hear about your exhaustion I know how bad that sux..I hope it passes soon or gives you a break soon… : )
        WOW still have a lung infection?? I am sorry to hear that still having problems with..speaking of that I feel the same about my lungs I went to the ER awhile back and had bronchitis and was suppose to see my regular dr 2 weeks after and never went back and still having tiredness and a lil lung and coughing here and there more so laying down at night and all the humid and rain don’t help at all…lol…
        Yes I am glad that they are getting the help as well..I have seen on the way to Dallas the workers and dump trucks so I hope they continue to help them all…
        That sounds bad about them paving over gardens where it can provide food for people I have always hated how they do things like that..take the land and put buildings up..
        Sound familiar like we have here too..at times we have been in drought but the last two years we have had plenty of rain..It is madness you never know anymore what your gonna get when it comes to weather it changes so much…Well now it is so hot…it’s even a lil hot in the house here…I think I can see the steam coming off the ground lolol not really..
        I have been hanging in there the best that I can..so far better days than I had in the past so that is a good thing..The bad is no I have not had the chance to work on any of my crafts : ( a lot has been going on working on the house trying to get back home that is all lol..home..I miss doing those things but at the end of the day or night so tired and I need new color for the lupus blanket … ; ) I really can not wait till I get that started and maybe you can tell me how to add butterflies on it or something like that…I so much look forward to getting into our home and having so so much more time for more things like crafts and drawing things I enjoy …right now it just baby steps on the progress of the house when there is so much to due here and there lol.. all dads appointments and mine and doing the bills and paper work keeps me tooooo busy..but again I am looking forward to adding things to your blog things that we all work on..I really think it will be great fun as I enjoy talking to you and doing the crafts…
        What are your plans for the weekend??? You been working on your crafts? anything new you working on gurl??

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      3. Suzz, I’m sorry to hear about your lung problems too. Do you think you may be more exhausted, on top of your other health problems, because of that? I had terrible infections there in my early 20s because of living in another country (Germany), and the germs are different. It took me three years to get used to it! I believe I may have had pneumonia at one point (I didn’t recognise the German word for it – I just translated it directly and so it sounded like bronchitis!). My lungs are wrecked like a heavy smoker. I wish you better health. House moving is tiring, I’ve done it so many times before, and a few times alone, but never in poor health! Yep, baby steps… 🙂 I help my mum out occasionally, but she’s much more physically active at almost 79, than me! Phone calls, writing letters, driving her to the appointments when she asks. She does most of it herself (because she can). I’ll look much forward to your finished blanket when you are able to do it 😀 Plans for the weekend? Well, some noodle (I was just reading at the time) got water in the electrics (dishwasher, I think) and we had no electricity for 26 hours!! No internet! No Netflix! No emails! No screen on my main, old, desktop pc for writing stories! Goodness, I don’t know how I survived, lol. 😮
        It’s getting on for six pm this Saturday, so half the weekend is already over. I’m hoping John will arrive today with some freshly brewed caffeine (I mean, coffee!) to kick some life into me. Then, we hope to go out for just a few food items, like exciting bread 😉 Tomorrow, I hope I’ve a lot more energy to go somewhere nice, get out the house a bit. I’m thinking of visiting this nice man who bought one of Oscar’s puppies – just to see how they’re getting on. He has learning difficulties and is being messed around by his stepfather, but he does have a good social worker.
        I’ve been making sketches for something textile, but haven’t touched the threads yet!
        Love and Hugs!
        Faith xo

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      4. hey hun!!
        I think it could be the lupus or never got over the bronchitis hope like you it don’t go into pneumonia but still so weak and at times tired and have to lay down durning the day and I hate that lol…omg yes I would probably die if I moved to another country with the germs even here in the states and Texas I use hand gel and wash my hands so much even at home due to germs and I do not want to get sicker..Oh yes moving takes a lot out of you I know all too well we have moved alot as a kid so I am used to it but differnt health now but we are not at the stage of the game of moving just yet painting and things like that at this point that is where we are at…That is great that you take care of your mom as well..dad is more dependent on my care to him so he still can not be alone ..but he is able to due things like mow the lawn and lil things we just have to watch him so he don’t get hurt or the main thing is he will over do it…and we have to make every appointment with him since he does have memory problems…but I really wouldn’t want it any other way taking care of my dad..that is what I am suppt to do..GURL I can’t wait to start my blanket lol…I think this move due to our health is going to take longer than expected and the extra hot temps we are having I can’t handle the heat and well none of us anymore with our health..and no help..but I will be so happy to be back home..I may have to change my routine like sleep during the day and work on the house in the night…cooler…
        Dang gurl that is a long time to be with out electric no internet no computer no air or heat uggggg…but you made it gurl….: ) Oh I hope you able to get out and do all that and yes see the puppies : ) I am just worn down completely since we had a very long week with dr appointments omg gurl and I am having a flare lupus on my face and people are mean and stare …but it’s ok….just did way to much going out and having 3 dr appointments in one day..In the heat even with the sunblock I wear didn’t help at all…last weekend I believe I just took it easy gurl…lol…and this weekend I am not sure probably take it easy go thru somethings around here…I am far behind on catching up on the comments lol..what are your plans gurly gurl?????……OOh I love my coffee in the morning …I love bread too…lol
        Oh how said that poor boy..at least he has a good social worker to work out those problems with …that breaks my heart to hear that he got messed with…I will never understand that kind of person that messes with lil boys and girls…sick people out here in the world….
        well I promise gurl when we get everything done and under control and at home I will have more time and I will be doing more crafts…Speaking of crafts I have a good one for like Christmas and one for gift giving ideas..so when that time comes I will try to remember and post them on your blog as well as mine and these are due it at home just a few things needed and so it doesn’t cost hardly anything at all..a lot goes a long ways with these…and like I said would love to put it on your blog as well as mine or you can just link my post when it comes out to your blog…but we have time lol…summer just hit lmao…. We have to all get better some how some way..for the love of god…or we will never get home…and I am excited since we have some plans on how we want things to be and done..we did just get the house level..so that is done…about every 15 years you have to do that..and I believe they ordered 5 gallon paints for the outside and inside no just 5 gallons but instead of the small cans we buy in big gallons so I can’t remember how many of one color we got I know it was a lot to just paint the outside and so many 5 gallons for the inside….I think we will hire some to paint and fix up some of the outside…it is a huge house lol inside and out so again it will take time but looking forward to it…well dear I am just trying to stay cool inside here but it is so hot outside that this ac is just not big enough..but still blessed that is seems a little cooler in the house today…ok I am not sure if I asked you what your plans are for this weekend or not so I will ask again lololo…as always I enjoy talking to you so let me know what you have been up too and hope you feel better soon..

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    1. Yes it is a great one I love her sound still different even today….WHAT YOU NEVER SEEN TIESTO??? he has been around for many years he has a lot of good musik..I wanted to add more but it would not let me…so I will have to add some more of my songs i like n love…
      I am glad you enjoyed it my friend…with more musik from Tiesto you would not be ending your day lololol…you would be dancing lol..
      Thank you again dear one…

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    1. AW wonderful…I am glad I could give you some good musik One day I will see him in concert..If he goes back to his older stuff..I have to listen again to the new things he is doing but at first listen I didn’t like it as much as his older musik…but we all change and I think he is just seeing what is all out there to try ..hell why not…he even did a remix and the musik for a rap group…..I will post it one day when I think of the name for you…
      No problem at all my dear friend..


    1. This was my first time too..I had no idea at all..at first it looked like since I have the free poor plan on here lol that it was not going to let me do it..but I clicked on ad image on the top bar and went to youtube and clicked on the share button and copy and paste to my blog….


    1. hey my dear friend…sorry I was not able to get back with you had a really bad headache so I ate a bit and hit the bed….
      copy and paste…
      you right click and it should give you an option to copy…click on that or if there is a link you want to copy and paste you would highlight that and right click copy and paste….
      then you would go to your website and I believe add media and right click on paste and your video should show up…my dear one..
      if you need more help on that let me know I will try to help all I can…


  1. Sorry your area is having ‘more than its cup can hold’ I’m guessing the one 7nifying emotion/feeling now is frustration. Hugs 🌷

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh I agree with you 10000% 2 great songs that never get old..hell all there songs are good ones..I love her own musik as well…I like to try and remember when where I was when I first heard a song…usually i can never remember lol..just try to place it at least lol…
      you too my dear friend..
      Hugggs and you take care too and hope to see you around more..

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    1. Oh my home….California.. Yeah I believe you guys need the rain if I am not confusing you with another state lolol…but I am pretty sure it’s you lol…We never had or used ac when we lived in California ..It seems like a different heat not uncomfortable …just like living in Vermont we didn’t use ac but some use it now..so it must be something in the air these days and years…
      Well hun sorry to say the rain has gone and the HEAT IS ON HERE….and it is not fun at all…even hot inside…
      Thank you for such kind words and hope to hear from you more often..

      Liked by 1 person

    1. WOW gurl thank you so much for this ..I really mean it…such kind words…I seen it in yellow on the notifications and it threw me lol and I had to approve it as well..lol still and always will be a newbie lolol..
      painkills2 let me know that you did this or added me..so I have to thank her as well..as you can tell I am playing catch up lol…
      Thank you again gurl..


    1. aww my friend…I miss you more…
      just trying to play catch up and hope things are going better for ya…
      been rough here but I am hangin lol…had operation on the 13th of July…still have another 2 weeks of healing to do…so taking it easy…


    1. Oh just a few things…like… started to write a comment on one of your post but not done yet lol… and making out my list of things that I need to get done today lol…
      And you my dear Sheldon???… how is the knee and your better half doing on this Friday morning???…


  2. I really appreciate all the visiting You’ve been doing these passed days
    It makes me feel like someone is truly listening, your a sweetie,you’ve been that way from the start,there are only a few who are still with me from my three year beginning and you are one of those few,just promise you’ll stay a little longer and I’ll promise I won’t go anywhere unless I tell you first
    As Sheldon Always

    Liked by 1 person

    1. awww my dear Sheldon not a problem at all I enjoy what you write and have to say… I just want to be here for you my friend… I enjoy our talks and miss them when you are having a hard time or I don’t see you on here… I am here for you!!!… I don’t take friendship lightly at all… thank you so much for your kind words that are not just words to me… I promise I will stay my dear friend… : ) I really enjoy it here and enjoy reading … I don’t plan on going anywhere I am working on getting things caught up so that I have time to finish my things that I have started to write… that part of getting things caught up is getting easier lol… OH PLEASE DON’T GO ANYWHERE MY DEAR SHELDON!!!… but if you must yes please tell me so that maybe we can have another format to get a hold of each other… but really think you should stick to here and your writings …jmo… and yes I will do the same if I get to ill where I know that I may be gone for more than normal I will for sure tell you kkkk… but I focus on feeling better and I pray… no matter what please keep writing … and in touch… don’t goooo… : ( remember that I am here for you… you were one of my group of first friends on here and now like you down to a few… but I miss you when I don’t see a post from you… I have to go looking hours back at times to see if you wrote anything and play catch up lol…
      Soft hugggs n love to you my dear Sheldon
      Smile u are loved…

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  3. Some days lately the words get stuck between my brain and my finger
    I don’t write everyday like I use to
    Than all of a sudden it’s g I’ve poem later and over 700 words, it tough when that image in my mind if myself is shattered like now when I’m a couch potatoe and can’t really go anywhere
    But I promise I won’t go without first telling you
    As alway sheldon

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    1. Well believe me I can relate to that with my head injury…
      I know that you have been not yourself these days you have been more quite and hey you are going thru a lot and its ok my friend… just write rather its a few words or 700 it does and will help…but I think I understand the frustration or want to understand it more anything to help you thru this… you have to take care of yourself my dear be a couch potat if needed …you will get back and no time frame needed but it will all come back to you… I understand some of the frustration on not going anywhere it sucks hoggg ballz Im stuck inside or to the porch most of the time sun and heat are not friends of mine with lupus lol…but to be new at it like you are I don’t and can’t imagine …I know that my heart goes out to you and your family and I want to help but don’t know how… all I can do is be here for you and I just hope n pray that is enough… you have a lot on your plate my friend it’s not easy and with your knee and the other health issues and ur wifey its a lot to handle n take in day after day… give yourself credit Sheldon I probably don’t know all that is going on with you but from what you tell me I think you need to give yourself a pat on the back and credit that is way pass over do… hang in there my dear friend… in any case I am here I will go thru my emails so that I am up to date lol and that way if I happen to not be at my desk and you need to talk I will check it and get online for ya…

      Liked by 1 person

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