The Happiness Tag


Thank you to my blogging sister and friend,

The Happiness

for nominating me to participate in the Happiness tag. You are such an amazing gurl and so much fun…Thank you!!!!….It’s a short but fun challenge so why not do it. The rules are included below:

5. Things that make you happy.
5. Songs that make you happy.
5. Bloggers that make you happy. Let them know you nominate them and you are done.

Five things that make me happy

  1. My family : ) My blogging family without you all I would not be doing this..I have so much fun on here with everyone interacting getting to know other more each day..Laughing and crying ..We are all here for each other and it makes me happy to know that I have true family and friends on here….
  2. Chocolate ice cream..enough said… : )
  3. That we are starting  back on our house it is an old house from the 1800’s we were still working on it when dad got hurt but had to stop so we are back on working and getting it finished(at least the outside for now)  but it is going to take baby steps and a lot of time..But so happy
  4. Working with rescue dogs and placing them in a great forever home…Training them to be indoor and outdoor dogs and to teach them tricks and things like to sit and shake and play with them …
  5. Oh I love to cook homemade anything the kitchen is one of my favorite places to be…Like the holidays I love doing it all.. Cheese spread and chips and homemade dips all the works……

five songs that make me happy

This is so very hard for me since I love musik….

  1. Paul Van Dyke Let go…
  2. Tiesto Love comes again…
  3. Nelly Furtado Say it right…
  4. Justin Timberlake What goes around…comes around
  5. Sir mix a lot Baby got back lol …

I would love for the following five bloggers to take this challenge:



39 thoughts on “The Happiness Tag”

    1. AWW thank you for including me in on was fun!!!…Thank you gurl : )
      I did the links wrong for the youtube lol I am hot and tired lol I will blame it on that… to take a shower to try to kool down…
      again thank you so much grul

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Hi Sue…
    Awesome tag ^_^
    what’s life without family?
    I love chocolate and I love ice cream…. so chocolate ice-cream… what else can one say except oooh a chocolate ice cream cake
    I want a dog that can do tricks too like you know change the TV channel read me the newspaper and let me know i there is anything happening in the world that I need to know about.
    I cook a little I might not know the names of the pots like what’s the one with the holes in it? Its frightfully important so I discovered when I tried a pasta dish that needed draining

    oh my gosh Sir Mix a lot That used to be my Friday song ♥♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey B!!
      Thank you!!.. I was going to add you to the list but I don’t know if you do those fun blog thingys …lol
      Oh me too chocolate chocolate and yes me too lol..Oh Ice cream cake omg have not had one of those since I was maybe 9 many moons ago lol love them..
      LMFAO Yeah when you find that dog that does all that please let me know how kool would that be huh lolol…I want a dog that does all that too..Oh that is a strainer my friend…You don’t have to know all the names hell I don’t even know and I love to cook lol..
      Hell yeah my friend sir mix a lot I loved that whole cd…I will still get up and dance to that song..well any song that gets me moving hell I am not shy..just like to dance when able..I wanted to add more videos but was having problems last time I played videos and did something wrong this time on this blog since they didn’t show up just the link and all you have to do is click it and it will bring you to youtube if you didn’t know how…
      So how was your Monday?? been a hot and humid here I am ready for snow or ice here in Texas lol..already tired of the heat..and we just started summer…grrrrr

      Liked by 1 person

      1. If you want a dog that does really cool things maybe you have to train it yourself (or build one ^_^ Kinda like A.R.C.H.I.E or C.H.O.M.P.S. )

        Tuesday morning and it is coooold #WinterIsHere cold and dry the complete opposite of yours


  2. 😀

    I can’t help but notice that food is mentioned in 2 out of 5. Right on! Ice cream and chips/guac are two of my favorite things. And of course dogs! I think we must come from the same planet. 😉

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    1. Hey my dear one…
      So sorry to leave you hanging…So much busy, sick,sick and a death in the family the service is Sunday…So a lot has happened again some good tho lol …I am glad it makes me smile that you took the time to write to me and check on me… : ) I have missed your post my dear one… : ( member that song I am working my way back to you babe lol I am trying lol…also getting some work done on our home well I am not able at this point but I will be doing my part soon I hope we just want to get to our home and sell my dad home and either he can move in my home plenty of room and old home or dad wants a lil home to put on the land so either way I still have to take care of him….
      So how have you been ???? last I was worried since you were in the hospital ..let me know please ..How have you been feeling these days??? I really missed you my dear…Hope to hear back from you soon Huggggggggggggs m love friend

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I just got out of the hospital again
        I have a ulcer
        I’ve been so many times
        I’ve lost track
        I been doing ok today
        Each day is different
        Sorry to hear about the death in the family
        Take care of yourself
        As always Sheldon

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Again my dear friend ?? you poor thing I feel so bad for you …You still are in my prayers as always …I can agree and understand that about each day is different it makes it hard to plan things for sure…and you may feel good then it hits you at any random time of the day or night…and how long will this one last this time lol..not funny I know….I am here for you if you ever want to talk or vent…Thank you for the kind words and checking in on me it means a lot to me to have friends like you…
        You also take care and I look forward to reading post from you..

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey my dear one..Left you a message on here…I missed you and Sheldon so very much…Oh also I need to get my fan on my computer fixed or may just need to be cleaned lol it turns my computer off so better half is going to take it apart and check it out for me lol..I don’t want to be writing or paying a bill and it turns off lol..just my luck…
      Well I am working my way back to being on here fuckingsickness …..
      I really want to say that it means a lot to me that you took the time to check on me… 🙂 again thank you for being a real friend to me……..wish more were like you and Sheldon and element and ghostmmnc I am very thankful to you gurl….

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m not doing real good my friend
    I do have those times of greatness
    But mostly I’m hurting
    I just saw a new Dr this past Thursday
    A new gastroenterologist I have what he is calling
    It’s something that has to do with my liver
    A cross between cirrhosis,and hepatitis C
    From what I can tell there isn’t much they can do
    About it
    I wake up in pain
    And I go to sleep with it
    I’m sorry suzette
    My tears have tears
    I’m running out now
    For some reiki
    I will be back later
    Much love Sheldon

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh my dear Sheldon!!!! : (
      I am so sorry to hear this from you…I keep you in my prayers for sure…
      I can relate to pain and nothing they can do about it…But I know everyone handles pain different and I have no right saying my pain is worse than yours or vise versa ..Fuck pain is pain and when it doesn’t end or give you a fucking break it more than sux azz I really feel for you especially when you said that your tears have tears …… : (
      just that pain alone it is a scary thing and can take you to dark places…
      know that I try to be on here as often as I can and anytime you want to talk imma here …I know I go missing that is just when I am to sick n pain..and I am trying to hang in there and I just have to try harder getting new drs so I am happy about that…
      enjoy your day my friend I should be here today…take the time needed..
      Hugggs n love

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yuppers I did for a minute that day …but I went to leave a comment and it would not let me : (
      Oh a family get together huh… don’t have those any longer…days that I miss them but not the lies and the fakeness that they would put on and so much more… so I rather have just us days… I can’t remember how many years its been since we seen moms side of the family I think it was right after she died and a few times after that… dads side live mostly in Vermont and Florida for the winters lol…
      so don’t miss the drama and hate with them all… Sorry to hear that yours sucked…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Its mostly for my daughter
        But she has recently said
        That she is over it
        Mainly because they are
        Not nice to her
        Its sad,but even my side of
        The family sucks
        Oh well life draws
        Pictures, they are
        Not for everyone
        To enjoy

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I get it and understand how she feels …my mom side of the family always treated me like shitt or ignore so after mom passed i have nothing to do with that side …none of them… either dose dad…
        tell her its because she is beautiful inside and out and they jealous of her…
        how true… about the pictures of life… family is not what it used to be back in the day lol… no one has any values or respect …nothing…sad it is…


    1. Well I just got out of the shower and that takes so much out of me and with lupus how it effects your skin well it’s a lil burn and real dry so putting on lotion n oil lolol…but I made it thru…
      been sleeping off n on since the 1st is when the flare hit me hardest… you know they can have this shitt…lol…I don’t want to feel any longer…
      omg my dear!!!… you are a mess …can’t leave you alone for one second can we lolol…you fall and hurt your knee now you tore the muscle in the calf… what shall I do with you…my heart n prayers goes out for you my dear one… I am scared to ask how you manage to pull your muscle but I am scared tooo…lol… you were suppt to be taking it easy my dear…


Always say what's on your mind ;)