The Happiness Tag


Thank you to my blogging sister and friend,

The Happiness

for nominating me to participate in the Happiness tag. You are such an amazing gurl and so much fun…Thank you!!!!….It’s a short but fun challenge so why not do it. The rules are included below:

5. Things that make you happy.
5. Songs that make you happy.
5. Bloggers that make you happy. Let them know you nominate them and you are done.

Five things that make me happy

  1. My family : ) My blogging family without you all I would not be doing this..I have so much fun on here with everyone interacting getting to know other more each day..Laughing and crying ..We are all here for each other and it makes me happy to know that I have true family and friends on here….
  2. Chocolate ice cream..enough said… : )
  3. That we are starting  back on our house it is an old house from the 1800’s we were still working on it when dad got hurt but had to stop so we are back on working and getting it finished(at least the outside for now)  but it is going to take baby steps and a lot of time..But so happy
  4. Working with rescue dogs and placing them in a great forever home…Training them to be indoor and outdoor dogs and to teach them tricks and things like to sit and shake and play with them …
  5. Oh I love to cook homemade anything the kitchen is one of my favorite places to be…Like the holidays I love doing it all.. Cheese spread and chips and homemade dips all the works……

five songs that make me happy

This is so very hard for me since I love musik….

  1. Paul Van Dyke Let go…
  2. Tiesto Love comes again…
  3. Nelly Furtado Say it right…
  4. Justin Timberlake What goes around…comes around
  5. Sir mix a lot Baby got back lol …

I would love for the following five bloggers to take this challenge:
